“Clean Your Files Day” is April 24 Businesses can clean out old files and recycle them with the Bureau of Solid Waste
Public Works Director Alfred Foxx today announced that, in recognition of Earth Day, DPW will give City businesses an opportunity to recycle even more with Clean Your Files Day on Tuesday, April 24. On this day, DPW will hold a one-day collection of recyclables from Baltimore businesses and institutions.
This is an opportunity for businesses to recycle all types of unwanted paper, including cardboard, books and magazines including shredded paper - just put it in paper bags.
Baltimore has single stream recycling which means that DPW will also collect plastic and glass bottles, metal and aluminum cans.
Plastic bags are not recyclable as they get wound up in our vendor’s recycling equipment and recyclables cannot be put in them. Recycle plastic bags at grocery stores and supermarkets.
To participate in Clean Your Files Day, businesses must register on or before Wednesday, April 10 by calling 410-396-4511.
Make everyday Earth Day by recycling more Baltimore!
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James E. Bentley II 410-545-6541 | Jennifer Combs 410-545-6541 | |
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The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.