Alley Sweeping Comes to Baltimore Neighborhoods

Monday Aug 11th, 2014

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

August 11, 2014 (BALTIMORE, MD) — Alleys in selected Baltimore neighborhoods will soon get weekly mechanical sweeping. This program is another proactive initiative being launched by the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) aimed at keeping City neighborhoods clean.


"Mechanical alley sweeping is one more way our Bureau of Solid Waste is working with Baltimore residents to improve their quality of life," said DPW Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. "We are committed to working with residents and visitors to Clean Up Baltimore one alley, one street, one property at a time."


Beginning Monday, Aug. 18, custom designed sweeping machines will clean loose trash, grit, dirt, oils and other chemicals from the alleys in several areas of Baltimore. The neighborhoods, and the days they will be swept, are:

Belair-Edison and Panway-Braddish, Monday;

Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello, Mondawmin, and Parkview Woodbrook, Tuesday;

Reservoir Hill and Washington Blvd/Pigtown, Thursday;

McElderry Park/Ellwood Park and Sandtown-Winchester/Hollins Market, Friday.


The sweeping schedule was chosen to fall on days after regular trash collection. Residents are reminded of the importance of removing all obstacles from the alleys, and making sure any bulk items are put away. This will allow the mechanical alley sweepers to do a thorough job.


As the sweeping is on a regular schedule, residents should not call to request service but they may report any missed services to 311.


It remains the responsibility of residents to keep their property clean, including alleys. Leaving unsecured trash or other obstructions in the alley is a violation of Baltimore code and is subject to a fine.


The neighborhoods in the alley sweeping program were chosen for wide, paved, and intact alleys, where the mechanical sweepers can be the most effective. The DPW’s Bureau of Solid Waste is spending no additional money to operate the program, though it is spending $175,000 per truck for three alley sweeping trucks. These trucks will also be used to help clean the streets after festivals.


Several of the neighborhoods that will get mechanical alley sweeping are also participating in the Municipal Trash Can pilot program. Together, the alley cleaning and municipal trash can programs should help neighborhoods stay pollution-free, vibrant, healthy places.

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James E. Bentley II
Jennifer Combs
After hours, weekends, or holidays please call 410-396-3100 for the duty officer

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.