City Holiday Reminder
Saturday Jan 17th, 2015
BALTIMORE, MD - Baltimore City Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., reminds everyone that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 19, 2015, is a City holiday. Department of Public Works’ offices and yards will be CLOSED.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
- Trash, recycling and bulk collections are not scheduled for that day.
- Citizen drop-off centers WILL BE CLOSED (all yards, including Quarantine Road Landfill, the Northwest Transfer Station and the Eastern, Western and Northwest Collections Facilities).
- Mechanical street sweeping will NOT take place.
- Parking meters WILL be in effect.
For additional information call 311 or visit
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James E. Bentley II 410-545-6541 | Jennifer Combs 410-545-6541 | |
After hours, weekends, or holidays please call 410-396-3100 for the duty officer |
The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.