Water Customers Get More Info with Dec. 2 Portal Opening
The next innovation in billing for customers of Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is coming Friday, Dec. 2, when the Customer Self-Service Portal is made available to water customers in the City.
With the new, monthly water bills now reaching approximately 200,000 accounts, the portal will allow those customers to view their water usage in hourly increments. The data is made available to customers one day after the meters record and transmit the data.
“When customers are able to see their own water usage, down to the hour, they will better understand how they use water,” said DPW Director Rudy S. Chow, P.E. “Customers who have better information will be able to make better decisions about conserving water, and saving money.”
Customers can access the portal by clicking a link from the Water Billing Information section of the DPW website. They will also be able to view a series of instructional videos showing how to register their account and use the portal.
Customers will need an activation code in order to create a user account and log in. The code is contained in a letter that is being mailed to the owners of the properties, and should begin arriving early next week.
Once they’ve registered, customers will be able to use their water consumption information to see precisely how much they are using, when they’re using it, and confirm whether they have had any unusual or unexpected usage. For instance, round-the-clock water usage may alert a customer to a dripping faucet, a toilet flap that is not fully sealed, or even a leaky connection to an automatic ice maker. Depending on the volume of water usage, it could indicate a break in a water service line or in the interior plumbing that needs to be addressed by a plumber.
The data may also be used to help customers see their water consumption for episodic usage, such as watering a lawn or washing cars.
Customers can also use the portal to submit a request of the Customer Support and Services Division. Anything from routine information requests to billing disputes or refund requests may be registered through the portal.
Customers who need to update their information or need additional help may call DPW’s Customer Support and Services Division at 410-396-5398.
Customers wishing to pay their bills online will still have to register with the City’s Bureau of Revenue Collections, in the Department of Finance. Please visit cityservices.baltimorecity.gov/water/ to pay a water bill.
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James E. Bentley II 410-545-6541 | Jennifer Combs 410-545-6541 | |
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The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.