Rollin Weeks Jr., DPW Bureau of Solid Waste Worker, Captures the 2017-2018 Employee of the Year Award

Thursday May 24th, 2018

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Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E, announced the selection of Rollin Weeks Jr. as its 2017-2018 DPW Employee of the Year. The awards ceremony was held Thursday morning, May 24, in the War Memorial Building in downtown Baltimore.

Mr. Weeks is a sanitation worker in the Bureau of Solid Waste’s Southwest Quadrant with more than 20 years of job experience. Mr. Weeks takes pride in his work and mentors his new colleagues.

While working his route last year, Mr. Weeks spotted a woman on the ledge of the Waterview Avenue Bridge that overlooks the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, just as he and his crew were driving across the bridge. He sprang into action, jumping off the truck to approach the woman and talk her down from the bridge. The rest of the crew joined him and calmed the woman with kind words and prayer. When emergency crews arrived they saw Mr. Weeks and his crew praying with and comforting the woman. Rather than intervene, the emergency crews kept their distance while the DPW crew spoke with the woman, later telling them that they had handled the situation well.

Mr. Weeks, a resident of West Baltimore, cleans his own neighborhood, is deeply rooted in his church and strives to give back to his community.

“In addition to displaying dedication to their jobs, many DPW workers show equal dedication to improving their communities and the lives of their fellow citizens,” DPW Director Chow said during the ceremony. “Our workers volunteer with local churches and non-profits and help with the United Way giving campaign here at work. They lead and serve on the boards of professional and community-based associations. They help Baltimore City school children improve their reading skills.”

DPW established the Employee of the Month program in May 2011 to recognize and encourage high quality work and service to Baltimore City residents and customers by Public Works employees. Every month an employee is honored from the Bureaus of Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater, and DPW Administration (Office of the Director). From these employees, six finalists were nominated for the Employee of the Year Award. An employee committee reviewed the nominations, interviewed the candidates and ranked them. The criteria include customer service, relationship with co-workers, and contribution to the community.

DPW holds its annual Employee of the Year Ceremony during National Public Works Week (May 20-26) and features a keynote address from an American Public Works Association (APWA) representative. At today’s ceremony, Steven J. Yob, P.E., president of the American Public Works Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter and Director of the Department of Public Works in Henrico County, Va., delivered remarks.

“All of the great civilizations had people doing the jobs that we do,” Yob said, adding that delivering drinking water, managing waste water, and collecting trash make “life more bearable” for society.

In addition to Mr. Weeks, the Employee of the Year finalists were:

Eloise Black, Bureau of Water and Wastewater; Steven Hoover, Bureau of Water and Wastewater; Abbigail Jones, Bureau of Solid Waste; Kristin Oldendorf, Office of the Director;  and Paul Taylor, Office of the Director.

Visit the DPW YouTube channel to view videos for the 2017-2018 Employee of the Year finalists:

The Employee of the Year winner receives three days paid leave, an engraved clock, one night’s stay at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, a $250 gift certificate to Gertrude’s Restaurant, tickets to the Orioles and the Maryland Zoo, and $500 in cash. Gifts were donated and/or paid for by members of DPW’s executive staff. 


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James E. Bentley II
Jennifer Combs
After hours, weekends, or holidays please call 410-396-3100 for the duty officer

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.