DPW Announces Completion of the City’s Less Waste, Better Baltimore Plan

Thursday Aug 6th, 2020

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Acting Director Matthew W. Garbark announced today the completion of the Less Waste, Better Baltimore Plan (LWBB), which outlines a clear and achievable vision for improving the City’s solid waste management and recycling operations.

“In this plan, DPW provides a solid roadmap for near- and long-term strategies to maximize waste reduction and diversion while meeting sustainable operational and financial conditions,” Acting Director Garbark said.

The Less Waste, Better Baltimore master planning effort has identified options for improving solid waste diversion, recycling, and disposal in Baltimore City, using the City-adopted Climate Action Plan and 2019 Baltimore Sustainability Plan as roadmaps.

The Less Waste, Better Baltimore operations plan provides a roadmap for:

  • Reducing food waste,
  • Increasing composting across the residential and commercial sectors,
  • Expanding access to recycling,
  • Maximizing reuse and diversion of construction waste,
  • Providing increased options for recycling and reuse of bulky waste items such as mattresses, carpets, and broken furniture, and
  • Upgrading the range of recycling services available at DPW’s residents’ drop-off convenience centers.

 DPW provides solid waste and recycling services to City residents, businesses, schools, and other entities, and manages over 200,000 tons of waste annually.

The Less Waste, Better Baltimore Plan is available on this website

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James E. Bentley II
Jennifer Combs
After hours, weekends, or holidays please call 410-396-3100 for the duty officer

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.