Update: DPW Announces Changes to the Solid Waste Continuity of Service Plan
Extended Hours and New Locations for Community Collection Recycling Centers
Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Acting Director Matthew W. Garbark today announced the findings of the assessment of the Community Collection Centers for recycling locations under the Solid Waste Continuity of Service Plan.
“We are extremely appreciative of City residents who have received the recent changes to recycling services well. Those residents saw the change as DPW’s way of continuing recycling services in a community friendly manner, permitting the Department to better manage staff and keep residential trash collection as the main priority during this time. Our two-week assessment of the modified recycling services revealed the need for a number of changes and I am sharing them now,” said Acting Director Garbark.
Community Collections Centers’ Hours of Operation Extended
Effective Monday, Sept. 14, the Community Collection Centers’ hours for all locations will be extended on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Centers will continue to be open to City residents Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm for recycling drop-off. The Citizens’ Convenience Drop-Off Centers’ hours will remain unchanged.
Community Collection Center Location Changes
- District 1: DPW Maritime Operations Facility, 3311 Eastbourne Avenue
- District 2: DPW Eastside Sanitation Yard, 6101 Bowleys Lane and Hazelwood Elementary School, 4517 Hazelwood Avenue
- District 3: Hamilton Elementary, 6101 Old Harford Road
- District 4: Chinquapin Middle, 900 Woodbourne Avenue
- District 5: Former Police Academy, 3500 W. Northern Parkway (Access off of Manhattan Avenue)
- District 6: Greenspring Middle School, 4701 Greenspring Avenue
- District 7: Westside Elementary location moved to William S. Baer School, 2001 N. Warwick Avenue
- District 8: Westside Skills Center, 4501 Edmondson Avenue
- District 9: DPW Meter Shop location moved to Steuart Hill Academic Academy, 30 S. Gilmor Street (Access off of W. Lombard Street)
- District 10: DPW Southwest Sanitation Yard, 701 Reedbird Avenue
- District 11: Digital Harbor High School, 1100 Covington Street
- District 12: Dunbar High School, 601 N. Central Avenue
- District 13: DPW Property Management Facility, 1825 Edison Highway
- District 14: Mergenthaler (“Mervo”) High School, 3500 Hillen Road (Access off of 3500 block of Tivoly Avenue)
Solidifying Solid Waste Operation Additions
Bureau of Solid Waste daily staffing continues to be around 150, too low to resume residential recycling services. “We have finalized a contract with Goode Companies, Inc. which will begin servicing 8 trash routes weekly on Tuesday, September 15,” said Acting Director Garbark. Negotiations of contract terms with other private collection companies are continuing.
The Solid Waste Continuity of Service Plan will remain in effect until at least November 1st. We will continue to monitor daily curbside trash collection operations.
Residents are encouraged to continue supporting each other to ensure that, together, we can keep our city clean,” Acting Director Garbark said.
Residents are invited to continue to submit any questions or concerns about the Solid Waste Continuity of Service Plan to SolidWasteCOSPlan@Baltimorecity.Gov.
DPW status of trash/ recycling collections and operations can be found on its website: http://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/collectionupdate.
For Bureau of Solid Waste employment opportunities, please go to https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/Job-Openings or call DPW-HR at 410-396-3330.
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