public notice for Jack Paulsen
The Baltimore City Department of Public Works, in coordination with the Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Mayor and City Council is accepting public review and comments for a request to issue a Stormwater Management Waiver for Jack Paulsen Memorial Fields Park Renovation Site.
Notice is hereby given that the public is invited to comment on the request by The City of Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Mayor and City Council. Comments on the request for SWM must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 19, 2011 to ensure consideration by the Department.
The City of Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks is proposing to regrade the football field, remove some of the existing paths, replacing them with a 6’ wide asphalt path connecting a new comfort station building and the new parking lot that replaced the existing macadam basketball court. The Department will also be razing some of the adjacent abandoned commercial buildings and returning them to green open space. New playground areas and a new fitness equipment area are also proposed on site.
The SWM requirements are expected to be met for the treatment of water quality, recharge and channel protection. This was achieved by non-roof disconnections and two bioswales. The site meets ESDv by treating 100% of the impervious within the LOD and provides some additional ESDv by treating impervious areas outside the limit of disturbance by draining to these proposed bioswales. Therefore, ESD was achieved to the maximum extent possible.
A copy of the Stormwater Management Report may be obtained by calling and making a request to the City of Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks/Capital Development Office at 410-396-7948, or by visiting the office during normal business hours;
2600 Madison Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
Waiver Comments or Questions
Notices regarding future actions on this project will be posted.
Questions or comments to the project waivers may be submitted during the review period by email to or by mail to:
Mr. Warren Ware
Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW)
Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division
3001 Druid Park Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215