Hampstead View Public Notice
Hampstead View Corner of Fayette and Chester Streets
Application for Administrative, Quantitative, and Qualitative Control Waivers
The City of Baltimore, Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for administrative, quantitative, and qualitative waivers. If granted, the administrative waiver would allow construction of this project to be governed by the rules and requirements that were in place prior to the Baltimore City Council’s adoption of Ordinance 10-277 on May 3, 2010. The applicant must provide stormwater management for the proposed project whether or not these waivers are granted.
Applicant: Chester Street Developers, LLC, P.O. Box 75, Burtonsville, Maryland 20866
Project Description: Hampstead View includes 14 townhomes on +/- 0.3353 acres of land at the intersection of Fayette and Chester Streets along with the construction of associated parking and walkways, installation of landscape materials, construction of various utilities, and installation of one underground storm water quality and quantity control facilities (which was installed as part of the previous approval).
The applicant is requesting an Administrative Waiver, as the project received final stormwater management approval for this project on February 10, 2006 and all requirements for granting an administrative waiver have been met. The applicant is also requesting a Quantitative Control Waiver for 702 square feet of property that was not included in the previously approved stormwater plan, in accordance with Section 23-1(A) (2) of the City Code. The Applicant has demonstrated through engineering studies that the unmanaged 10-year and 100-year storm events for the proposed development will not increase existing peak discharges, cause erosion, flooding, or an adverse impact on the receiving waters or downstream stormwater conveyance system. Finally, the applicant is requesting a Qualitative Control Waiver for the 702 square feet of property that was not included in the previously approved stormwater plan, in accordance Section 23-2(2) of the City Code. The Applicant has demonstrated through engineering studies that Environmental Site Design has been implemented to the maximum extent practicable.
To obtain information about this application, please contact Ms. Kimberly Burgess, Baltimore City DPW, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD, 21215, (410-396-0732) or by email at kimberly.burgess@baltimorecity.gov.
Send information or comments about this application to Kimberly Burgess, Baltimore City DPW, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD, 21215 and/or by email to kimberly.burgess@baltimorecity.gov by 4:30 PM, June 22, 2011. Comments received after 4:30 PM, June 22, 2011 will not be considered.
Any further notices about actions on this application will be posted on the Department’s website.