1180 Falls Road Water Main Replacement
Date: September 2011 – Summer 2012
Location: Falls Rd. from Mattfeldt Ave. to Kelly Ave. and from Ashbury Rd. to the City/County line.
Des. of Wk: WC 1180 – Falls Road Water Main Replacement consists of installation of 2500 LF of 20” and 1600LF of 16” ductile Iron Pipe , valves, fittings and appurtenances, corrosion control and monitoring system.
Contact: Jonathan Scott 410-396-3671
All disturbances will be restored and enhanced as this project proceeds.
If you have any questions about this project, please call 410-396-3671 Monday thru Friday between 8:30AM and 4:30PM
While we endeavor in to do everything we can to make operations run smoothly and with minimum disruptions for you and your neighbors, there are times when that will not be possible due to the nature of our work. We do want to hear from you whether it is a suggestion, on how we can improve our work or to acknowledge a successful outcome.
Thank you in advance for your patience.