Caroline St.
Date: Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 – Friday, January 13, 2012
Time: Beginning at 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily, except holidays
Location: 1700 block N. Caroline St. and 1700 block N. Spring St.
Des. of Wk: A new water line is to be installed which will replace existing water lines in these blocks. Residents will have their water connected to a temporary main while the new line is installed. Water disruption will be for an hour or so when the temporary main is connected. Crews will knock on your door when this is about to occur. Please do not disturb the temporary main. There will be necessary parking restrictions during construction. Contact Mr. Brown (below) if you have questions or concerns.
This new main will improve water flow and circulation. It will not address issues which may be related to your internal plumbing. This is a first step in improving water service to the Oliver Community.
Contact: Eric Brown 410-396-3671
Since water service will be interrupted during the performance of this work, you may experience temporary discolored or cloudy water as connections are made. Once service is restored, it would be beneficial to open a tap in the basement of your property and let the water run until clear and repeat this process on your upper floors.
If you have any questions about this project or if your water does not clear, please call the contact listed above or call 311. For water emergencies also call 311.
While we endeavor to do everything we can to make operations run smoothly and with minimum disruptions for you and your neighbors, there are times when that will not be possible due to the nature of our work. We do want to hear from you, whether it is a suggestion on how we can improve our work, or to acknowledge a successful outcome. Thank you in advance for your patience.