Application for Redevelopment Waiver: Barclay Redevelopment Phase 2 Rentals

Friday Sep 14th, 2012

The City of Baltimore Department of
Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s
application for a redevelopment waiver. If granted, the project need not comply
with the requirements of the State’s Design Manual for quantity control. 


Barclay Square
, LP


1800 N. Charles Street, Suite 808

                        Attn:  Catherine Stokes              Tele.:  410-685-1494

ESD #:             6567

Watershed:     Jones Falls

project has an approximate area of 5.5 acres and is located on south side of
400 Block of E. 21st Street west of Greenmount Avenue;   north and south side of 400 Block of E. 20th
Street between Barclay Street and Greenmount Avenue;   north and south side of 400 Block of Worsley
Street;   and south side of 300 Block of E. 20th
Street west of Barclay Street.  The
project will consist of construction of 67 apartment units in 5 buildings
together with parking and plaza area.

The Applicant is requesting a
redevelopment waiver in accordance with Article 7, §23-7 of the City Code.  The existing impervious area coverage meets
the conditions for this waiver.  The
project will provide impervious area reduction and environmental site design
water quality controls to satisfy the requirements of this waiver for 2.2 ac.
of  this project. 

To obtain information about this
application, please contact Mr. Warren Ware, Baltimore City Department of
Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management
Division, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by
e-mail to

Send information or comments about this
application to Mr. Warren Ware, Baltimore City Department of Public Works,
Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division,

3001 Druid Park Drive
, Baltimore, MD  21215,
(410-396-0732) or by e-mail to by 4:30 PM September 25,
2012. Comments received after 4:30 PM September 25, 2012 will not be considered.

Any further notices about actions on this
application will be posted on the Department’s website. 

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