Application for Variance: JHU High Performance Research
Application for Variance: JHU High Performance Research
The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a variance of Stormwater Management.
Applicant: |
Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate, 3910 Keswick Road N-3100, Baltimore, MD 21211 |
ESD #: |
782 |
Watershed(s): |
Herring Run |
Project Description: |
he project has an approximate area of 3.03 acres and is located at the north quadrant of the intersection of East Lombard Street and the I-895 on-ramp. The project consists of new development for construction of modular buildings, access road, concrete equipment pads and utility infrastructure for a high performance research computing facility. The Applicant is requesting a variance in accordance with Article 7, Division II, §24 of the City Code to satisfy the remaining 1,350 Square Feet of impervious area that is required to be treated but is unable to drain to the ESD facilities provided. To obtain information about this application, please contact Ms. Kimberly L. Burgess, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division, 3001Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD21215, (410-396-4700) or by e-mail to Send information or comments about this application to Ms. Kimberly L. Burgess, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-4700) or by e-mail to by 4:30 PM December 6, 2013. Comments received after 4:30 PM December 6, 2013 will not be considered. Any further notices about actions on this application will be posted on the Department’s website. |