Application for Qualitative and Quantitative Control Variance

Monday Aug 3rd, 2020

JHU Temporary Structures due to COVID-19
3200 N. Charles St.
altimore City, Maryland

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a Variance for Stormwater Management.

Applicant: The Johns Hopkins University, 3910 Keswick Road, N-3100, Baltimore, MD 21211
ESD # 7947
Watershed(s): Jones Falls

Project Description: The project has an approximate disturbed area of 1.62 acres (3.50 acre Total Site Limit of Work) and is located on The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Homewood Campus in Baltimore City (Approximately 3 miles N of the Inner Harbor). This acreage includes both initial setup and deconstruction and is primarily allocated for lawn repair after the temporary structures are removed. The University property is bound on all sides by City owned property or roads; N. Charles Street to the east, W. University Parkway to the north, San Martin Drive to the west, Wyman Park Dr. to the southwest, and the Baltimore Museum of Art to the southeast. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are capacity limitations on campus and the University is unable to utilize existing buildings in a typical fashion for students and staff. The University has confirmed an immediate need for temporary structures as part of its COVID-19 planning. Temporary structures are proposed at three sites on the Homewood Campus; Keyser Quad, Freshman Quad, and Decker Quad.  All temporary structures and associated pathways are placed on top of existing ground surfaces with no footings and there are no earth disturbances associated with this type of installation. Private utility connections for electric, water, and sanitary sewer will be required to support the temporary structures. Except for temporary electrical transformers (which will be removed when the temporary structures are removed), all disturbed portions of sidewalks and lawns for utility installation will be restored to their original surface conditions with no hydrologic changes.

The Applicant is requesting a Stormwater Management Variance in accordance with Article 7, Division II, §24 of the City Code. The Applicant has demonstrated that the temporary structures are in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Stormwater Management requirements would result in unnecessary hardship on the University. The Applicant will not be required to treat the 0.43 acres of existing impervious or the 0.90 acres of new impervious due to the temporary nature of the project. The Applicant has demonstrated that all increases to impervious areas are strictly temporary in nature, and all surfaces will be restored to existing condition as soon as the pandemic is over, and the temporary facilities are removed.

To obtain information about this application, please contact Mr. Nathaniel Krause, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Office of Compliance and Laboratories, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to

Send information or comments about this variance request to Mr. Nathaniel Krause, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Office of Compliance and Laboratories, Plans Review Section, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD  21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to by 4:30 PM, August 5, 2020. Comments received after 4:30 PM, August 5, 2020 will not be considered.

Any further notices about actions on this variance request will be posted on the Department’s website.

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