BGE Hamilton Ave.
Gas Main Replacement Project
Baltimore City, Maryland
Stormwater Management Qualitative Control Waiver
The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works (DPW) is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a stormwater management waiver related to qualitative control.
Applicant: Baltimore Gas & Electric
1699 Leadenhall Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
BCNR #: 10523 Watershed(s): Back River
Project Locations: Hamilton Ave. and Hazelwood Ave.
Project Description: This project includes the installation of new gas mains to replace the existing gas mains to increase reliability in the area. The project has an approximate area of 0.14 acres of disturbance.
The Applicant is requesting a qualitative control waiver for stormwater management in accordance with Article 7, Division II, §23-2 of the City Code. The Applicant has demonstrated that the project will return the disturbed area to the current runoff condition, therefore the applicant has met the criteria for this type of waiver.
To obtain information or send comments specifically about this qualitative control waiver request, please contact Mr. Norman Seldon or Ms. Chelsea Stroble, DPW-Office of Research and Environmental Protection at Room 227, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to or Comments received after 4:30 PM, November 28, 2022 will not be considered.
Any further notices about actions on this application will be posted on the DPW’s website.