DPW Reminder:No Swimming at City Reservoirs
With a long holiday weekend ahead, Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., has issued a reminder to the public that swimming is not allowed in City reservoirs. Please be safe and responsible: Do not swim in the City’s reservoirs.
A tragic drowning occurred last August at the City-owned Loch Raven Reservoir. Already this year, several drownings have been reported in other parts of the state. DPW asks that everyone heeds our reservoir no swimming warnings and makes water safety a number one priority.
Baltimore City has three raw-water reservoirs located in Baltimore and Carroll counties: Prettyboy, Loch Raven and Liberty. These areas are open to visitors and offer beautiful scenery with recreational opportunities.
Temperatures in these deep waters drops quickly and diving into them may lead to hypothermia. In addition, there are very rapid drop-offs, currents, hidden rocks and branches. “No Swimming” warning signs are posted at each of the City’s three reservoirs. Those caught swimming can be charged with trespassing and, if convicted, will have a criminal record.
To reach our reservoir police officers in an emergency, please dial 911.
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James E. Bentley II 410-545-6541 | Jennifer Combs 410-545-6541 | |
After hours, weekends, or holidays please call 410-396-3100 for the duty officer |
The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices.