
Baltimore City Water Ranks Among Top 10 Nationally

Baltimore water has landed in the Top 10 among American cities with the best drinking water, according to Best Life Magazine online.

Nov 13th, 2017 tasteawards

Baltimore Water Ranks Tops in Taste Again

Water from Baltimore’s Ashburton Water Filtration Plant won first place in its division in a taste test. The competition is held each year during National Drinking Water Week by the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works Association.

May 11th, 2017 waterwater qualitytastetaste test

Baltimore Water is Tops in Taste

Drinking water from Baltimore’s Montebello Filtration Plants won first place in its division in the annual taste test Friday, May 13, conducted by the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works

May 16th, 2016 watertastequalitybest