Ashburton Tanks Project

Ashburton Tanks Project

Update on the Ashburton Tanks Project

Winter 2021 - 64 percent of the work is completed. Remaining work includes concrete pouring for the tanks, construction of the distribution building, excavating trenches to lay large diameter pipe, and testing the installed pipe. The estimated timeline for completion is fall 2023. 

Note: Additional updates will be posted as the Ashburton Tanks Project progresses.

The project

To help secure the City’s water supply, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works is building large underground water tanks to store the filtered and treated drinking water currently held in Lake Ashburton. The project started in 2018, and the cost of the project is approximately $137 million. 

Original condition of the Ashburton Reservoir

Orignal condition of the Ashburton Reservoir

Completed layout at Lake Ashburton

Completed layout at Lake Ashburton

The tanks measure 434 feet in diameter and hold 50 million gallons of water combined. They will be buried underground and a playground and other green spaces will be built over the tanks in the space north of the lake. New piping will connect the tanks to the existing water system. Lake Ashburton will remain for visitors to enjoy as a beautiful freshwater lake.  

Funding for this project includes contributions from the State of Maryland and Baltimore County. The contractor, Oscar Renda, is required to remain in compliance with the State and City of Baltimore MWDBE hiring goals.

City officials will be in contact with community association leaders and residents during the construction period. 

Questions about the project may be directed to the Communications and Community Affairs Division

Visiting Lake Ashburton during the project

Due to construction activity, public access to Ashburton Hanlon Park is limited. Most of the entrances and exits for construction vehicles are on Liberty Heights Avenue at Dukeland Street, keeping construction traffic out of the neighborhood. 

Ashburton traffic map

Why this project is needed

Federal regulations require that filtered and treated drinking water reservoirs or storage sites must be either covered or receive additional treatment (Safe Drinking Water Act Regulations LT2ESWTR). Covered storage is preferred as a long-term solution for maintaining water quality.

DPW has completed other covered reservoir projects: 

  • Towson
  • Montebello II
  • Pikesville

Guilford Reservoir and Druid Lake are currently under construction.  

Improving Ashburton Hanlon Park and Ashburton Lake

Ashburton Lake was designed not only to support the City’s water supply but to enhance the enjoyment of Ashburton Hanlon Park. The project will ensure that the lake remains for visitors to enjoy as a lovely freshwater lake surrounded by green spaces and gathering places. 

Planned improvements

  • New park entrance
  • Entrance walk and plaza with labyrinth
  • Green space with multi-purpose fields
  • New playground
  • Basketball and tennis courts
  • Overlook deck/stage
  • Pavilion
  • Restrooms
  • Fitness station

Existing and new support buildings at Lake Ashburton

Existing and new support buildings

Public gathering space at Ashburton Lake

Public gathering space on the north side of the lake

Planned new playground at Lake Ashburton

Planned new playground area at Lake Ashburton