Social Media Policy
The Social Media outlets of the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) are not monitored on a 24/7 basis. To report an emergency such as a water leak or sewer overflow, or to submit a routine service request, contact 311, call 410-396-5352, or visit 311-services.
Posting comments, photographs, videos, or other messages to DPW through a Social Media Site does not constitute notice, legal or otherwise, to the City. All such correspondence should be directed to the appropriate DPW office or City agency.
DPW reserves the right to moderate or delete comments if they:
Incite, promote, threaten or encourage criminal activities, including violence
- Contain information that may compromise the security, safety, or health of the public
- Contain pornography, solicitation, defamatory, or sexually explicit material
- Contain obscene, hateful, indecent, or threatening messages
- Contain messages, information, or material that discriminate based on race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability
- Contain malicious or harmful software
- Promote commercial services or products (not including noncommercial links that are relevant to the topic)
- Include any private or sensitive information (i.e. phone numbers, email, or postal addresses)
- Promote or oppose any person campaigning for election to a political office
- Post material that violates copyright, trademarks, or intellectual property of others. Users may post or submit their own content, including photographs and videos, pursuant to the standards and terms of use articulated in this policy if they pertain to the subject matter of the Social Media Outlet
- Post matters that DPW deems inappropriate for the site
Users may be temporarily or permanently restricted from accessing DPW’s social media platforms if they repeatedly and consistently violate this policy. Should the user wish to contest DPW’s action, the user must submit a written statement providing grounds for reinstatement via the Public Works Email Address (a statement that the user will abide by this policy in the future shall be sufficient, except in the case of users who have repeatedly been restricted). DPW will respond to requests in a reasonably timely manner.
Any content removed pursuant to this policy will be retained for one year. You can contact Public Works by email or through the social media platform to report posts you believe to be in violation of this policy.
The information contained on a Social Media Site is intended to duplicate or supplement, but not replace, the information provided through official Baltimore City channels, such as news releases or the DPW website. The information on any Social Media Site is not intended to serve as legal or financial advice.
Third-Party Content And Comments Are Not Endorsed. Baltimore City DPW does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, messages, posts, opinions, advertisements, videos, promoted content, external hyperlinks, linked websites (or the information, products, or services contained therein), statements, commercial products, processes or services posted on any Social Media Site.
Any information or material placed online, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those making the comments and do not represent the views of DPW.
When submitting a comment for posting, users agree that DPW is not responsible, and shall have no liability to the user, with respect to external websites, any information or materials posted by others or the user, including defamatory, criminal, offensive, or illicit material and even material that violates this disclaimer
Public Information. All postings may be subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and other public records and disclosure laws, as well as discovery in litigation. This includes, but is not limited to, information made available through a user’s privacy settings on their own social media and other Internet pages. Public Information Act requests, subpoenas, requests for assistance and legal service, and/or complaints must be made directly to DPW in accordance with the law and not through a Social Media Site.