Recent News

Application for Variance

The Lectka Residence
2206 Rogene Drive
Baltimore City, Maryland

Nov 30th, 2018

Stormwater Management Waiver

BGE Gas WO# 14412818
BGE Irvington Ph1

Nov 30th, 2018

Stormwater Management Waiver

BGE Gas WO# 14500206
BGE Rognal Heights Ph2

Nov 30th, 2018

Stormwater Management Waiver

BGE Gas WO# 15012414
BGE Sandtown Ph1

Nov 30th, 2018

City Leaders Celebrate 2018 YH20 Water Mentoring Program Graduates

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and City Council President Bernard  C. “Jack” Young joined Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) and its partners, the Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA) and Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED), to celebrate the 4th class of YH2O water mentoring program graduates.  The event was held on Friday, Nov. 30 at City Hall.     

Nov 30th, 2018

DPW Proposes Simplified Billing Assistance Program

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is requesting the Board of Estimates to approve a single, simplified, water billing assistance program for Baltimore’s most financially vulnerable customers. In addition, the request seeks a three-year series of rate adjustments, beginning July 2019, that continues repairing and maintaining our long-neglected water systems.

Nov 29th, 2018

Rain Contributes to Weekend Sewer Overflows

Rains in the Baltimore area on Saturday, Nov. 24, contributed to sanitary sewer overflows of about 12.1 million gallons of stormwater mixed with sewer water.  These flowed into the Jones Falls from a location on Preston Street and two locations on Falls Road; and into the Baltimore Harbor from Eager Street and Chase Street.


Nov 28th, 2018

Public Comments Welcome on Harbor, Patapsco Watershed Assessments

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is accepting comments on the Baltimore Harbor Watershed Assessment and the Lower North Branch Patapsco Watershed Assessment.

Nov 20th, 2018 stormwaterMS4watershedplanning

DPW Offices, Yards Closed for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a City holiday; the Baltimore City Department of Public Works’ (DPW) offices and yards will be closed on Thursday, November 22. DPW offices and facilities are open on Friday, November 23, and trash and recycling collections will occur as scheduled on that day.

Nov 16th, 2018

Update: Wet Weather Contributed to Two Sanitary Sewer Overflows on Nov. 15

As previously reported, rain and snow on November 15, contributed to two sanitary sewer overflows of stormwater mixed with sewer water into the Jones Falls.  As an update, the final total for the overflow at 428 E. Preston Street for this rain event was 7.1 million gallons.  These releases occurred underground in structured overflows and did not spill into city streets. 

Nov 16th, 2018
