Recent News

More Than 900 No-Water Complaints; Don't Be a Returning Customer

Have you had frozen water lines in the past? If so, then the Baltimore City Department of Public Works asks you to pay special attention to the following list of ways to prevent this from happening again. At the current time the Baltimore City water system has received over 900 reports of water outages.

Jan 8th, 2018 waterfrozenfreezecold

DPW Launches Interactive Map Identifying Water Main Repairs

To help citizens stay informed, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) has added to its website an interactive map that provides information on active water main repair work. The web-based map provides timely information on active water main repair activity that DPW is conducting in Baltimore City and County. 

Jan 5th, 2018

Protect Your Pipes Against Sub-Freezing Temperatures

Baltimore was spared a full blast from the “Bomb Cyclone,” but overnight low temperatures are expected to dip into single digits for the next few days. As crews from the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) continue to fix a rash of water main breaks, it is urging its water customers in Baltimore County as well as the City to take some simple steps to protect their own water lines from freezing.

Jan 4th, 2018

DPW Adds More Crews to Respond to Water Main Breaks

Due to the near record-setting cold temperatures gripping the region, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is experiencing an increase in the number of water main breaks throughout Baltimore City and County, with nearly three dozen water main breaks occurring over the last several days.

Jan 2nd, 2018

Protect Your Pipes During Cold Weather

Winter is in full force and the temperatures over the next week will be bitterly cold.  Pipes and utility meters can freeze when the temperature remains below 25 degrees for extended periods of tim

Dec 29th, 2017

DPW Offices Closed New Year’s Day, January 1, 2018

New Year's Day is a City holiday. The Baltimore City Department of Public Works’ (DPW) offices and yards will be closed on Monday, January 1, 2018. 

Dec 29th, 2017

Street sweeping cancelled December 28

Due to the extreme cold temperature, mechanical street sweeping is canceled for Thursday, December 28, 2017. Parking restrictions for sweeping will not be enforced.

Dec 28th, 2017

Christmas Tree Mulching and Recycling

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) today announced that residents will be able to recycle their Christmas tree by turning it into mulch beginning January 6.  

Dec 26th, 2017

The 2018 Public Works Calendar Is in the Mail

Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., announced today that the 2018 Department of Public Works (DPW) Calendar is in the mail to Baltimore City residents.

Dec 26th, 2017 calendar

Application for Redevelopment and Qualitative Waiver

Eutaw Place
1517 Eutaw Place
Baltimore City, Maryland 21017

Dec 21st, 2017
