
Annual Consent Decree Public Meeting is Jan. 23, 2019

The second annual public meeting to discuss Baltimore City’s Modified Consent Decree for the sewer collection system is set for Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019, at 1800 Washington Blvd.

Dec 18th, 2018 consent decreesewermeeting

Heavy Labor Day Weekend Rain Leads to SSOs

A downpour late on Friday, Aug. 31, resulted in approximately 6.4 million gallons of stormwater mixed with sewer water spilling from the sewer system into city waterways. 

Sep 5th, 2018 seweroverflowJones FallsSSO

DPW Announces Jan. 23, 2018, Annual Public Meeting to Discuss Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree

The first annual public meeting to discuss Baltimore City’s Modified Consent Decree for the sewer collection system is set for Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018, at 1800 Washington Blvd. in Baltimore.

Dec 20th, 2017 consent decreesewerpublic meetingpublic notice

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Numbers in Steady Decline

Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in Baltimore have been in decline for five consecutive years, falling 31 percent since Fiscal Year 2012, according to a review by the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW). In the fiscal year concluded June 30, 2017, Baltimore recorded 464 SSOs. That is down from 670 SSOs in Fiscal 2012.

Dec 12th, 2017 sanitary sewer overflowsewerasset managementFOG

Baltimore Invites Local Food Pantries to Join Clean Drain Campaign

The Baltimore Clean Drain Campaign is offering a chance to help Baltimore’s food banks and food pantries feed the hungry, while also taking steps that will help reduce sewer overflows and basement backups.

Jan 18th, 2017 cleandraincampaignpipes

Routine Sampling Leads to Fix of Leaking Sewer Connection

Routine sampling by Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) inspectors in May found a slow seepage of sewer water that was traced to a leaking house connection in the 2900 block of Woodland

Dec 30th, 2016 seweroverflowJones Falls

Board of Estimates Approves New Water Rate Structure

The Baltimore City Board of Estimates approved on Wednesday, August 31, 2016, a new rate structure for City water bills that does away with the minimum billing model, and instead provides a more fair, transparent way of paying for water and sewer service.

Aug 31st, 2016 waterratesewermonthly

Modified Consent Decree Provides Plan for Baltimore’s Long-Term Sewer Solutions

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudy S.

Jun 1st, 2016 consent decreesewerclean waterenvironment

UPDATE -- Underground Sewer Overflow Stopped

This past Friday, May 6, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works reported that a sanitary sewer had overflowed into the Jones Falls. The overflow stopped around 5:00 p.m.

May 9th, 2016 seweroverflowstructured

Back River Project Moves Forward With New Construction Model

The Baltimore City Board of Estimates approved a contract Wednesday, May 4, that will allow work on the Headworks project at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant to proceed under an innovative

May 4th, 2016 Headworkssewerconstructionengineering