
Baltimore’s Drinking Water Reservoirs Have Excellent Storage as Fall Approaches

Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., announced today that Baltimore’s three raw-water reservoirs will enter autumn with an abundant supply of water for our 1.8 million customers.

Aug 31st, 2018 reservoirwatersupplydrought

More Than 900 No-Water Complaints; Don't Be a Returning Customer

Have you had frozen water lines in the past? If so, then the Baltimore City Department of Public Works asks you to pay special attention to the following list of ways to prevent this from happening again. At the current time the Baltimore City water system has received over 900 reports of water outages.

Jan 8th, 2018 waterfrozenfreezecold

Water-Only Liens Not Subject to Tax Sale

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh today announced that she is suspending the disposition of water-only liens for residential accounts in the annual tax sale process.

Dec 20th, 2017 waterbillingtax salelien

EPA Selects Baltimore to Apply for $200M Loan

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) has been invited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to apply for $200 million in credit assistance to improve its water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. 

Jul 19th, 2017 wifiawaterinfrastructurefinance

DPW Supporting Community Clean Water Projects

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is helping to fund a Chesapeake Bay Trust grant opportunity for projects that improve communities, reduce polluted runoff, and promote natural resources like green spaces, parks, and water bodies.

Jul 10th, 2017 Chesapeake BayTrustgreeninfrastructure

Monitoring, Repairs Stop Potential Water Main Catastrophe

Crews working for the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) were able to complete repairs to a major water transmission main in southwest Baltimore that had been showing signs of a potent

Jun 21st, 2017 watermainbreakChow

Baltimore Water Ranks Tops in Taste Again

Water from Baltimore’s Ashburton Water Filtration Plant won first place in its division in a taste test. The competition is held each year during National Drinking Water Week by the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works Association.

May 11th, 2017 waterwater qualitytastetaste test

Baltimore Invites Local Food Pantries to Join Clean Drain Campaign

The Baltimore Clean Drain Campaign is offering a chance to help Baltimore’s food banks and food pantries feed the hungry, while also taking steps that will help reduce sewer overflows and basement backups.

Jan 18th, 2017 cleandraincampaignpipes

DPW in the Community to Explore New Water Billing Website

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., announced that beginning Saturday, January 21, DPW will offer personalized trainings to help customers better understand how to use the online Customer Self Service water bill information portal. 

Jan 13th, 2017 waterbillportalcustomer

Discounted Water Rates Greet Customers of DPW’s New Water Billing System

As Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) continues its transition to monthly billing, customers in the City will notice discounts in the first bills, which are beginning to go out

Oct 20th, 2016 waterbillingChowcustomer
