Medical Exemption Program

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works Medical Exemption Program helps people who are seriously ill and have a medical condition or are taking care of someone that is seriously ill or has a medical condition that will be worsened if you do not have public utility service.

If you or the person you care for would be harmed if the water was turned off, you can apply for this program.

Who can apply

  • Homeowner
  • Renter- responsible for paying the water/sewer bill at a City address, however, must provide proof that you live at that address. 
  • Caregiver - Must reside at the same City address as the person you are taking care of and you pay for their water/sewer bill, you can also apply for the medical exemption program.  A doctor must certify that you or the person you are taking care of needs the water to stay on and not be turned off for medical necessity.

Requirements to apply

  • You need to live at the service address.
  • Provide proof that you live at the address. Acceptable proof of address is a utility bill (gas, telephone, or internet), credit card bill or statement, bank statement, and/or lease/mortgage document.
  • Receive a water/sewer bill directly from the city for this address.
  • You need to provide a written certification from a medical doctor, on official letterhead, stating that water service is necessary and would cause harm to you or a person you are caring for at the address if the water was turned off.

The medical exemption is valid for one year. You will need to apply each year to keep it current. 

How to apply

First, you’ll need to fill out your application. You or your caregiver can apply:

  • Download the Medical Exemption application
  • Call 410-396-5398 to have your application mailed to you
  • You or your caregiver as well as the doctor must sign your application

Next, send in your completed application. Be sure to attach copies of the required documents and information. 

Baltimore City DPW - Medical Exemption Program
200 Holliday St. Room 8
Baltimore, MD 21202

Next steps for approved applications

  • You will receive a decision letter within 5-7 business days of receipt of completed packet.
  • If approved for the program, you will receive a letter confirming your acceptance into the Medical Exemption Program and notification that water will not be shut off due to the critical necessity. 

Questions? We’re here to help

Please call us at: 410-396-5398, or call 311 for water main breaks or water outages.